As mentioned in previous News reports, the Stated Meeting for March was dedicated to business and discussion, the degree conferrals originally scheduled for this meeting to be carried out at a Special Meeting on March 28.
With a full agenda of business and other items, the meeting went on for almost two-and-a-half hours, confirming the wisdom of our decision to separate lengthy degree conferrals from business meetings.
The highlight of today's meeting were three proficiency tests. Bro Eric Anderson took his Entered Apprentice test in English, Bro Mamoru Sato took his Fellowcraft test in Japanese, and Bro Tomio Ogawa took his Master Mason test in English. All three tests were conducted by MWB Watanabe, and WB Buda declared all three Brethren completely proficient in their respective degrees, complimenting them on their outstanding memory work.
Bro Anderson | Bro Ogawa | Bro Sato
Bro Secretary announced that he was in receipt of an application for affiliation from Bro de las Alas of Sasebo Lodge No. 9, currently resident in Negishi, Yokohama. A ballot was also held on two outstanding petitions: that of Mr Jason Peter Kraker and Mr Masumi Ishibashi, both candidates being elected to receive the degrees of Freemasonry in our Lodge.
In an important item of business, the Lodge discussed its stand on the resolution for an amendment to the Grand Lodge Constitution, to be considered at the upcoming Annual Communication, and it was the unanimous decision of the Brethren that the Lodge could not support the amendment.
Bros Anderson, Ogawa and Sato being congratulated by the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1
After some discussion of which members would be able to attend the Annual Communication and cast the votes allocated to the Lodge, MWB Watanabe devoted some time to a consideration of the Lodge's future meeting schedule. Although three members have proved their proficiency in the Fellowcraft Degree, it was decided that split them into two groups: one group receiving the MM degree in Japanese, and the other in English. Work assignments were also allocated for our Special Meeting on March 28, when we will be conferring the First Degree of Masonry on Mr. Kevin Adams.
Fruitful discussion was also held on the location and scheduling of the delayed Table Lodge with Lodge Star in the East No. 640, and on the necessity of amending the Lodge's Bye-laws to authorize a slight increase in annual, initiation, and life membership fees. After a lively exchange of opinions and suggestions regarding the most appropriate increases, the Secretary was charged with drawing up a concrete proposal which could be further discussed at our next meeting.