The Special Meeting of May 23, 2009 was called for the purpose of conferring the Third Degree of Masonry on Bro Alawn Jordan, who had been initiated in August 2008 and passed in November 2008, proving his Second Degree proficiency in February of this year. Although several Brethren sent in their apologies for the meeting, the Lodge welcomed four visitors who gladly and enthusiastically helped us with the enactment of the Tragedy.
The entire ceremony was conducted in English. In the First Section of the Degree, with MWB Watanabe, Secretary, acting as Junior Warden, the Obligation was given by the Worshipful Master, the Working Tools presented by Bro Tamado, and Bro Honda conducted the Candidate. For the Tragedy, Bro Buda took the role of King Solomon, Bro Inomata that of King Hiram of Tyre, and the remaining roles were shared among the Brethren present, for many of whom this was their first experience of coordinated ritual work. The Brother appointed to give the Lecture of the Third Degree was one of those who had to send in their apologies. Fortunately Bro Honda volunteered to take on the Lecture at only a few days' notice, even though he already had more than enough ritual work to perform as Senior Deacon.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, WB Buda delivered the Charge and congratulated Bro Jordan on being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Upon being given the privilege of addressing the Lodge as its newest Master Mason, Bro Jordan thanked the Brethren for their hard work in making the ceremony possible, and then said that he would like to take the opportunity to remember HWB Walter Johnson, who had been instrumental in introducing him to Masonry and mentoring him in his journey through the degrees. WB Buda acceded to Bro Jordan's wish and raised the Lodge for a minutes' silence in memory of our beloved Brother Walter Johnson, who passed away on November 28, 2008 at the age of 95. (Please see the Obituary Section.)
Among the four visitors to our Lodge was Bro James C. Levy of Honolulu Lodge, Hawaii. WB Buda presented him with the usual first-time visitor's card and asked him to convey warmest fraternal greetings from Far East Lodge No. 1 to the WM and Brethren of Honolulu Lodge. Bro Kevin Maddy, Chaplain of Lodge Star in the East No. 640 (and also Chaplain of Christ Church, Yokohama) and Bro Gabriel Balea, Junior Deacon of the same lodge, also attended our meeting and Bro Maddy kindly agreed to offer all the prayers during both the Opening and Ceremony.
Having conferred both a Second and Third Degree this month, Far East Lodge No. 1 will take a short but welcome break from ritual work and devote its Stated Meeting for June to business only. Later on in June we plan to initiate two new members at a Special Meeting.