As we shall be conferring an English-language First Degree at our Special Meeting of June 27 in the presence of both the Grand Lecturer and our Grand Lodge Inspector, a short practice session was called for 11 a.m. today. It was hoped to run through the Opening and Closing of the Lodge in the First Degree, something with which many of the newer Brethren are unfamiliar. Unfortunately only four members attended the practice session, with a fifth arriving late. During the Stated Meeting that followed, the WM directed all Brethren to respond 'yes' or 'no' to all summons sent out by Bro Secretary. Lack of feedback made the planning of lodge events impossible.
The Stated Meeting for June consisted of business only. In the absence of Bro Treasurer, MWB Watanabe read out the Treasurer's Report for May and noted that he would be sending out a congratulatory letter, 50-year pin and $50 check to Bro. Garfield T. Roberts in the United States. WB Buda added that the Lodge owed Bro Roberts a vote of gratitude for his unstinting efforts in tracing the whereabouts of Brethren with whom the Lodge had lost contact. After the WM had raised the Lodge, MWB Watanabe read out an Edict from the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Japan, authorising Far East Lodge No. 1 to amend its Bye-laws to reflect increased initiation and annual fees, the change to take effect immediately. In other correspondence, MWB Watanabe reported that he had received a thank-you letter from Bro Crouch for his 50-year pin, and that DeMolay-Land Lodge No. 22 would be hosting a Summer Barbecue on July 18.
Under Unfinished Business, MWB Watanabe reported on the health of WB Kanemitsu of Aomori Lodge No. 10, a regular visitor to Far East Lodge No. 1 after he moved from Aomori to Yokohama. MWB Watanabe had visited WB Kanemitsu at his Residential Care Home in Shin-Yamashita, and found him suffering from senility and loss of hearing. MWB Watanabe proposed that the Lodge send WB Kanemitsu a get-well card signed by all members. The WM approved this proposal and asked MWB Watanabe to prepare a suitable card for signing at our next meeting.
After the usual items of business had been completed, the Lodge balloted favorably on the application of Bro de las Alas for membership of Far East Lodge No. 1. MWB Watanabe also announced that he had received two completed petition forms along with the necessary fees.
Under New Business, MWB Watanabe noted that as our life membership fee was linked to our annual fee, we would have to amend our Bye-laws accordingly. After explaining the life membership system in detail, MWB Watanabe noted that although the minimum possible life membership fee was 72,000 yen, a larger sum would help to offset the decrease in cash flow caused by new life memberships. He suggested the sum of 100,000 yen and the WM called for discussion. Several Brethren put questions or offered comments, at the conclusion of which the WM summarized the discussion and noted that the general consensus was supportive of MWB Watanabe's suggestion. He therefore directed MWB Watanabe to place his proposal on the Agenda of our next Stated Meeting, for further discussion and a final vote.
Discussion was also held on the Lodge's upcoming schedule. Work assignments for our First Degree on June 27 were confirmed and it was decided to hold a business-only Stated Meeting on July 4. No degree work was planned, but there was a possibility that one or two members would be ready to take their proficiency tests on that date.
In one item of business from the West, Bro Inomata announced that the Scottish Bodies would be holding their regular cleaning of the Foreign Cemetery (weather permitting) and invited all Brethren to participate.