Far East Lodge No. 1 News

June 27, 2009July 4, 2009September 5, 2009

By unanimous vote of the Members present, at today's Stated Meeting the Lodge decided to raise its Life Membership fee to 100,000 yen. This change had been discussed at length in previous meetings, and there having been no objections to the suggestion, it was put to a formal vote. This change will require an amendment to our Bye-Laws and the approval of Grand Lodge. WB Buda directed Bro Secretary to proceed with the necessary formalities.

Meeting 4 July 09

Seated: Bro Adams | Bro Anderson | WB Buda | WB Zamora | Bro de las Alas

Under Unfinished Business, Bro de las Alas was obligated an affiliate member of Far East Lodge No. 1 and duly signed his name in the register of the Lodge. After the Lodge had been lowered to the Second Degree, Bro Anderson was examined by MWB Watanabe in his Fellowcraft proficiency. At the conclusion of the examination WB Buda congratulated Bro Anderson on a flawless performance and declared him fully proficient in the Second Degree.

After taking care of several items of routine business, WB Buda noted that since assuming the East in 2008 he had been impressed by the excellence of the Brethrens' memory work in their proficiency examinations. It was therefore disappointing to see many Brethren still reading from their ritual books during meetings and conferrals. WB Buda directed that, henceforth, with the exception of the officially appointed prompter, any Brother using the monitor during open lodge would be subject to censure. He reminded the Brethren that memorization had been a key element of Masonry for over 400 years. In former times our Operative Brethen were tested annually in their memory work, and had to pay substantial fines for mistakes made. Our ancient Speculative Brethren continued this tradition and to this day some Grand Lodges prohibited the use of all written or printed ritual books.

Meeting 4 July 09

WB Zamora | Bro Anderson | Bro de las Alas

All items on the Agenda having been taken care of, WB Buda called the lodge free from restraint and invited Grand Lodge Inspector WB Zamora to conduct a Lodge of Instruction. WB Zamora gave detailed guidance, illustrated by demonstrations, on the floorwork of the Stewards, Deacons, and Wardens. Many Brethren, including the WM and Wardens, responded with follow-up questions, receiving informative advice.

Although Far East Lodge No. 1 will now go dark for the month of August, a joint picnic with Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 and Lodge Star in the East No. 640 is planned for the afternoon of Saturday, 8 August at the Negishi Heights Naval Base. Several details of this picnic remained to be decided, and will be communicated to the Brethren by email when available.