July 3, 2010September 4, 2010September 25, 2010
Sixteen members of the Lodge, four visitors, and one FC braved the record-breaking heatwave to attend Lodge and resume labor after the August break. After the Minutes, Treasurer's Report and Bills had been approved, MWB Watanabe announced that he had received a completed petition form from Mr Shunji Suzuki, together with the necessary initiation fee. MWB Watanabe also announced that an updated edition of our By-Laws was now available at 500 yen per copy for current members. New members would receive a copy for free as part of their Degree Conferral.
WB Inomata informed the Brethren that the Committee of Investigation had returned a full and favorable report on the petition of Mr. Shea Erikson. A ballot on his petition was held, and he was elected to receive the Three Degrees of Masonry in our Lodge. The Committee of Investigation having returned a majority report on the application of Dr. Kenji Omura, a ballot was held and his petition was rejected. It had been hoped to also ballot on the petition of Mr. Yasumitsu Hoshi, but we had not yet received the go-ahead from Grand Lodge and the ballot was postponed to our next Stated Meeting.
With the Lodge still free from restraint in the Second Degree, Grand Lodge Inspector WB Donald Zamora conducted a Lodge of Instruction on the floorwork in the First Degree. With Bro Adams acting as Candidate, WB Zamora demonstrated the correct manner of perambulation, giving a clear explanation of the logic behind the movements specified in our Ritual Book. His demonstration prompted many follow-up questions, especially about the conducting of two or more candidates.
After WB Zamora had concluded his Lodge of Instruction, WB Inomata resumed labor in the Third Degree. He invited MWB Watanabe to outline the Lodge's schedule for the coming months, but the outcome of today's ballot had made it difficult to plan further ahead than our Special Meeting of September 25, when we will be initiating Mr Shea Erikson. Floorwork and Lecture assignments were made for this Degree and an announcement of a revised schedule of conferral will be circulated at a later date.
In Other Business from the South, WB Buda reported that the Members' Section of the Lodge's website was again online. The User ID and Password having been changed, any Brethren wishing to access this section of our site should contact MWB Watanabe, who would provide the necessary login information.
After WB Zamora had been invited to say a few words, greetings and memorial tokens were presented by Bro Kubo on behalf of Bro Scott Zickafoos and Bro Alvin Pangilinan, the accompanying visitors from Square and Compass Lodge No. 3, and he extended a warm invitation for the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 to visit Square and Compass Lodge No. 3. He noted that the two lodges shared a unique characteristic, in that both used their own Temple building and were not based at the Tokyo Masonic Center or on Kanto-area US military bases.
Bro Romadel E. de las Alas rose to bid farewell to the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1, as this was his last meeting before he left Japan to take up his new assignment in Tennessee. He invited the Brethren to attend the Change of Charge ceremony to be held on September 24 at the Negishi Base. WB Inomata thanked Bro de las Alas for his contributions to the Lodge, wished him God Speed, and hoped that he would be able to maintain contact with the Lodge.
There being no other business, WB Inomata proceeded to close the Lodge in due and ancient form. As usual, during our Stated Meeting several potential candidates made themselves at home in the Conference Room, waiting to resume the friendly conversation of our noontime lunch gatherings.