September 4, 2010September 25, 2010October 2, 2010
Bro Secretary received eight apologies from Brethren unable to attend the Special Meeting of September 25, 2010 and although a sufficient number attended to open and close the Lodge and confer the First Degree of Masonry on Mr Shea Erickson, the Worshipful Master had to rearrange many of the work assigments so that all positions were filled. Many of the newer Brethren were suddenly called upon to sit in unaccustomed chairs, a stressful but very educational experience.
A Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons was opened at 1300 hrs with WB Inomata, WM, in the East, Bro Sagara, SW in the West, and WB Buda, JW in the South. The only other 'regular' officers were MWB Watanabe as Secretary and Bro Tsuji as SD. Bro Anderson acted as Treasurer, Bro Tatara as JD, Bro Adams as Chaplain and SS, and Bro Ogawa as JS.
The Candidate having answered the usual interrogations satisfactorily, he was admitted into the Lodge and obligated an Entered Apprentice by WB Inomata. The Apron Lecture was given by Bro Tatara and the Working Tools presented by Bro Ishibashi. All degree work was conducted in English. After Bro Erickson had been restored to his personal comfort and re-admitted into the Lodge, the First Degree Lecture was given by Bro Adams and the Charge by WB Buda. The Worshipful Master gave the usual guidance to all new members and then asked if there was any other business in the West, South, on the Secretary's Table, or from the floor of the Lodge.
Bro Anderson thanked the WM and Brethren for the condolences he had received on the death of his wife's grandmother and extended special thanks to the Brethren who attended her funeral service.
Bro Adams rose to say that his first experience of delivering the Lecture of a Degree had renewed his respect and admiration for the memory work of the Brethren who had delivered the Lectures he himself had received when being initated, passed and raised.
Our Stated Meeting for October will be held in only one week, on October 2. In addition to the usual business, we may be able to ballot on two outstanding applications and WB Buda will give a short lecture as part of the Lodge's Masonic Education program.