Far East Lodge No. 1 News

September 25, 2010October 2, 2010November 6, 2010

After opening the Lodge in due and ancient form, WB Inomata asked the Brethren to be upstanding for a minute of silent prayer in memory of Bro. John J. Muraoka, a member of our Lodge who laid down his Working Tools on September 15, 2010.

WB Inomata then recognized the Brethren who had distinguished themselves in Masonry and welcomed first-time visitor Bro. Daisuke Muranaka of Acacia Lodge No. 669 under the Grand Orient of Italy, presenting him with a commemorative card and sticker.

After dealing with the usual items of business, a ballot was held on the application for membership of Mr. Yasumitsu Hoshi, and his petition was approved. The WM instructed MWB Watanabe, Secretary, to communicate the result of the ballot to Mr. Hoshi.

Stated Meeting for October 2010

Bro Sugita | Bro Muranaka | WB Inomata

Under Unfinished Business, Bro Secretary repeated the announcement he made at our Stated Meeting for September. The Members' Section of the Far East Lodge No. 1 website was once again available for access, but with a new Web Address, a new User ID, and a new Password. For reasons of security, this information would not be sent out to all members of the Lodge; instead, members wishing to access the Members' Section should contact Bro Secretary, who would give them the necessary information individually. Unfortunately, since Bro Secretary made this announcement in September, only two members of the Lodge had contacted him for the access information. MWB Watanabe reminded the Brethren that the Members' Section contained a wealth of Masonic information and was almost certainly the largest and most comprehensive such website of any Lodge in Japan, including that of Grand Lodge. He then repeated his announcement in Japanese for the benefit of Brethren who may have misunderstood the previous announcements made in English.

Stated Meeting for October 2010

The Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 with Visitors (Bros Sugita & Muranaka, Front Center)

As required by our Constitution, the WM read out the Section of our By-laws appertaining to the Election of Officers in December.

MWB Watanabe asked the Lodge to approve the reinstatement of a Brother who had been suspended for Non-Payment of Dues on several occasions, but was now in good standing. The approval was given by an unanimous show of hands.

After calling the Lodge free from restraint for a short break and to allow EAs and FCs to join us for the next item on the agenda, WB Inomata invited WB Buda to give a short lecture as part of the Lodge's continuing Masonic Education Program.

WB Buda chose 'The Art of Memory' as his topic for the lecture. Many young Brethren wonder why Masonry places such importance on memorization, from the proficiency examinations they take when they are progressing through the degrees, to the lectures they are asked to deliver during degree conferrals. WB Buda traced the historical origins of the connection between Operative and Speculative Masonry and, with the help of a handout of timelines and quotations, showed that the requirement for good memory work dates back to the days of operative lodges. He then spoke about the intense interest that Scottish intellectuals of the late 16th and early 17th centuries showed in architecture, esoteric philosophy, and the symbolism of operative lodges, including knowledge of the Ancient Master's Word. WB Buda concluded that Brethren were at liberty to explain the necessity and benefits of good memory work in any way they chose, but they should recall that our Ancient Brethren valued the Art of Memory as a key to developing their own knowledge of Masonry and its symbols.

WB Buda's lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session, after which WB Inomata thanked WB Buda for another stimulating lecture.

The WM then asked the EAs and FCs present to retire from the Lodge and labor was resumed. After inquiring about the availability of Brethren for a Special Meeting on either October 23 or 30, it was decided to hold it on the latter date, for the purpose of conferring the First Degree of Masonry on Mr Hoshi. Floorwork and Lecture assignments were made. WB Inomata asked MWB Watanabe about the schedule for future degree work. Bro Secretary reported that the conferral of a Third Degree in November was a strong possibility, but could not be confirmed until at least one of the FCs completed his proficiency examination.

MWB Watanabe took this opportunity to remind Brethren of a recent change in our Constitution. Hitherto, passing the MM proficiency had been a requirement for advancement to one of the elective offices. Under the amended Constitution, demonstrating a proficiency in the MM degree was a requirement for any office in the Lodge, both elective and nominative. He noted that a large number of MMs had not yet taken their MM proficiency test, and encouraged them to do so as soon as possible.