October 2, 2010November 6, 2010November 27, 2010
A Special Meeting to initiate Mr Yasumitsu Hoshi on Saturday, October 30 had to be cancelled when an official typhoon warning went into effect. Our Stated Meeting for November was honored by the official visit of MWB Akira Washikita, Grand Master of the MW Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Japan, accompanied by a delegation of Grand Lodge officers including RWB Donald Smith, Deputy Grand Master, RWB Kazufumi Mabuchi, Grand Junior Warden, VWB Yoshiharu Shimokawa, Senior Grand Lecturer and WB Donald Zamorra, Grand Lodge Inspector for Far East Lodge No. 1.
Standing: MWB Watanabe
Seated: RWB Mabuchi | MWB Washikita | WB Inomata | RWB Smith
| VWB Shimokawa
After WB Inomata had opened the Lodge, MWB Washikita and his delegation were received with Grand Honors and invited to join WB Inomata in the East. WB Inomata then offered MWB Washikita the gavel of his lodge as a token of loyalty to the Grand Master and, through him, to the Grand Lodge of Japan. MWB Washikita received the gavel and, after a few appropriate words, returned it to WB Inomata so that he could proceed with the business of the day.
WB Inomata raised the lodge for a minute's silent prayer in memory of WB Sunao "Tony" Kanemitsu, an Honorary Member of Far East Lodge No. 1 who had passed away on September 9, 2010. (See Obituary)After the usual items of business had been conducted, a favorable ballot was held on the application for membership of Mr Shunji Suzuki.
The Lodge was then called free from restraint to allow our EAs and FCs to join us for a 'Walk Around the Lodge' session of Masonic Education. Conducted by Bro Takashi Tsuji, SD, Bro Yutaro Suzuki (FC) was led around the Lodge and introduced to each of the Lodge's officers. Narration was provided in English by Bro Anderson and in Japanese by Bro Ishibashi.
The Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 with Distinguished Visitors
After Bro Suzuki had retired from the Lodge and the Brethren had resumed labor in the Third Degree, WB Inomata allocated floorwork assignments for a Third Degree conferral to be held on November 27 for Bro Suzuki. The scheduling of a proposed initiation ceremony for Mr Yasumitsu Hoshi and Mr Shunji Suzuki was deferred to a later meeting.
There being no other business before the Lodge, WB Inomata thanked the Grand Lodge delegation for attending our Stated Meeting for November and invited MWB Washikita to address the Lodge.
MWB Washikata complemented the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 on their fine Temple building and on their reputation as one of the oldest and most active lodges under the Grand Lodge of Japan. He then contrasted this with some of the problems being experienced by Kyoto Masonic Lodge No. 5 and his mother lodge, Torii Masonic Lodge No. 6 in Nagoya. After the closure of Lodge No. 5, its property and furnishings had reverted to the Grand Lodge of Japan. A few days earlier, MWB Washikita had authorised the creation of Lodge Mikado (Under Dispensation) in Kyoto but this new lodge was currently without a place to meet. Torii Masonic Lodge No. 6 in Nagoya had been using a building which infringed on the property owned by its neighbor, who had been cooperative in permitting this state of affairs to continue uncontested. This neighbour had, unfortunately, passed away and the current owner was demanding either compensation for the use of his land, or full restoration. This matter was in the hands of lawyers who had advised that Lodge No. 6 was in a weak position.
During his term in office, MWB Washikita hoped to supervise the establishment of Lodge Mikado UD, to resolve the land problems of Lodge No. 6, and to create new Lodges in high-density urban areas of historical importance such as Osaka and Kobe.
WB Inomata thanked MWB Washikata for his informative address and then proceeded to close the Lodge.