Far East Lodge No. 1 News

October 6, 2012October 27, 2012December 2, 2012

Special Meeting

A Special Meeting was called for the purpose of passing two candidates to the Degree of Fellowcraft Mason: Bro Tatsuo Wada and Bro Tatsuro Hayashi.

The lodge was opened in due and ancient form at 1300 hrs with WB Sagara in the East, Bro Tsujii in the West, and WB Inomata in the South.

After recognizing the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tyler's Register, WB Sagara raised the Brethren and greeted MWB Rosendo C. Herrera, PGM of the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines with Grand Honors. MWB Herrera was accompanied by Bro Philip Manila.


WB Sagara
MWB Watanabe | MWB Herrera | Bro Tayama

At 1330 hrs the Lodge was lowered to the Second Degree of Masonry and at 1345 the two candidates gave three knocks at the door of the Lodge and were admitted. WB Sagara obligated them as Fellowcraft Masons, Bro Taiki Ogawa gave the Working Tools lecture in English, MWB Watanabe gave the Staircase Lecture, WB Sagara the "G" Lecture and the Charge was given by WB Inomata, all in Japanese.


Distinguished guests, visitors and members of Far East Lodge No. 1

After calling the Lodge free from restraint and congratulating our newest FCs, WB Sagara resumed labor in the Third Degree and asked MWB Herrera to say a few words. MWB Herrera congratulated the new FCs and praised all present for an excellent conferral. Bro Haruo "Harry" Tayama of San Diego, a long-time member of Far East Lodge No. 1, expressed his pleasure at sitting in his mother lodge again.

Peace and harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in short form at 1630, with WB Sagara in the East, Bro Tsujii in the West, and WB Inomata in the South. Present at the meeting were 17 Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 (including two FCs), 2 Brethren from the Philippines, 2 from Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 and one from Teikoku Lodge No. 19 in Okinawa.