Far East Lodge No. 1 News

October 27, 2012December 1, 2012March 23, 2013

Election Meeting

Far East Lodge No. 1's December Stated Meeting was well attended by both members and visitors. Among the latter were VWB Watanabe, Grand Lecturer, WB Kojima, the Lodge's GL Inspector, Bro Sugita from Yuai Lodge No. 11 and Bro King from Yokosuka Lodge No. 20.

WB Sagara being away on urgent business, the Lodge was opened by Bro Tsujii, WSW, in the East, WB Inomata, WJW, in the West, and Bro Ogawa (Taiki), SD, in the South.

After opening the Lodge, Bro Tsujii called for a minute's silence in memory of Brother John L. Booms, who passed away on March 1, 2012 but news of whose death reached the Lodge via the Scottish Rite Valley in Tokyo, of which Bro Booms was a long-time member.


Elected Officers for 2013
WB Inomata (Sec) | Bro Ogawa Tomio (Tre) | Bro Tsujii (WM) | Bro Ogawa Taiki (JW)

After dispatching regular business such as the reading of the Minutes, the Treasurer's report, the payment of bills, and correspondence, Bro Tsujii proceeded with the examination of two newly raised Brethren who had declared themselves ready to be tested in their proficiency in the Third Degree. Bro Tsujii asked Bro Ogawa (Taiki), acting WJW, to conduct the examinations in English. First Bro Asa Kim and then Bro Yoshiyuki Miyauchi stood West of the Altar and gave word-perfect answers to the examination, at the end of which Bro Tsujii declared them both proficient in the Third Degree. Bro Tsujii then called the Lodge off for a brief break before commencing the election of officers for 2013.


Elected and Appointed Officers for 2013
(see list below)

When the Lodge was called back to labor again, Bro Tsujii first called on WB Buda to say a few words about our departed Brother John Booms. WB Buda was probably the last member of our Lodge to maintain regular contact with Bro Booms before his demise. WB Buda took the opportunity to share an anecdote about the Korean War that Bro Booms had been reluctant to publicize during his lifetime because of its controversial nature. Bro Tsujii thanked WB Buda for his reminiscence and then proceeded to the election of officers by first reading the required section of the Constitution. He then invited VWB Watanabe and Bro King to act as tellers, both Brethren accepting magnanimously. Before the commencement of the election, MWB Watanabe rose to announce that his advanced age and the failing health of his good wife forced him to decline active office for the upcoming year.


Bros Kim and Miyauchi (seated center) with WB Kojima and Bro Tsujii
Standing: Members of Far East Lodge No. 1 incl. two FCs

The selection of the elective officers proceeded smoothly. Bro Tsujii was elected Worshipful Master for 2013, other officers (both elective and appointed) being as listed at the bottom of this report. Bro Tsujii thanked the tellers for their cooperation and then, after another short break, called for any further business from the West, South, Secretary's desk or floor of the Lodge. WB Inomata gave a brief update on preparations for our installation banquet, scheduled to be held at the YC&AC on January 12, 2013, the Lodge having received a dispensation to hold its January stated meeting on this date. MWB Watanabe reported that MWB Johnston had agreed to act as Installing Officer and looked forward to meeting everyone at the installation. MWB Watanabe asked all members to make reservations for the banquet as soon as possible. Greetings were received from VWB Watanabe, WB Kojima, and Bro King. WB Buda expressed his heartfelt thanks to MWB Watanabe for his unstinting help and support in maintaining the Lodge's website since its creation, by MWB Watanabe, in 2000.

Bro Kim, who will be leaving Japan on December 5, rose to express his appreciation to the WM and Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 for admitting him into the Fraternity. His next posting will be Norfolk, Virginia and he has already found a lodge near his new home, its number being coincidentally the same as that of Far East Lodge No. 1, his mother lodge. He invited all Brethren to visit him should they find themselves in Virginia. Bro Kim's farewell was received with enthusiastic applause.

There being no other business before the Lodge, Bro Tsujii proceeded to close in due and ancient form.

Officers-elect for 2013

Worshipful Master Bro Takashi Tsujii
Senior Warden WB Masanori Sagara
Junior Warden Bro Taiki Ogawa
Treasurer Bro Tomio Ogawa
Secretary WB Norihiro Inomata
Chaplain Bro Eric Anderson
Marshal Bro Shunji Suzuki
Senior Deacon Bro Akihiro Tatara
Junior Deacon Bro Alawn Jordan
Senior Steward Bro Masumi Ishibashi
Junior Steward Bro Yutaro Suzuki
Tyler MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe